King king! You are the protector of the jungle. I didn't visit you before. Today I come here to say something from deep in my heart. For a long since our ancestors had been living in the jungle with much happiness, enough food and good shelter. They were only afraid of lions like you and Tiger uncles. For a long time we have been experiencing our food shortages. There are shortages of grass, nuts, fruits and other plants as deforestation occurred heavily by two-legged animals. We don't get oxygen enough. We have lack of shelter by which we can save us from any danger. Now natural disaster are coming frequently. Our reproductive health is not in good condition. I became pregnant after a hard try of my husband and me. During my pregnancy, I didn't get nutritious balanced food. That's why my both babies were malnourished. I failed to provide them other foods beside breast milk. They remained malnourished. At its eighth months of age my younger baby had been died. My another one baby became everything of my life. It couldn't ran fast as other healthy deer. As running is the greatest tool to save ourselves in danger. I was always depressed for it. I had learnt from generation to generation that our worst enemy is four-legged brutal animals like you. Last Friday, a two-legged animal shoot at my weak baby and took him out of the jungle. I was just crying but nothing to do. I have lost everything of my life. I also lost my husband about two months ago. A tiger hunted my husband. I overcome that lose as its our regular bad luck. Its usual that plants live on air, water and sunlight; we deer live on different plants; lion and tiger live on deer and other animals. King, I knew you were the tertiary eater. Now I see two-legged animals also live on us. They cut trees, the best friend for all and disorganize natural environment. They may also experience food shortages and bring their life in threat. I think they are not much wise like you. If living environment become unfriendly, green grass and plants will not grow well. Then herbivorous animals like us become vulnerable. Ultimately you and your generation might experience food insecurity. However, If a lion or tiger ate my baby, I would see the death body in front of me for last time. I might took it as my bad luck. But the two-legged animal brought my baby alive. I don't know what is happening with my baby. For this, my life is full of mental depression. If they ate my baby in front of me, I would try to forget my pain gradually. As you are the all in all, I want your help.
Oh my dear friend, you have truly detected our big problem. Though I am the king of this jungle but the two-legged animals are the king of the universe. They are greatest for their brain. They are wise enough but make some mistakes. I also helpless like you. The two-legged animals not only eat you and us, but also engulf everything of the earth. We all are vulnerable now. There is nothing to do from my side. They have already destroyed one third of earth forest for their development. They already engulf every natural resources. They don't introduce themselves as animal like us. They introduce themselves as human. The two-legged animals always treated them as the best creature of Allah. I think they are the worst animal in the earth. A two-legged animal may kill another two-legged animal just for a little interest. Be patient and wait. Only nature can teach them.